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Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I am now a card-carrying member of Facebook!

For years, one of my dreams has been to reconnect with as many as possible from the past. Susan and I have had the privilege to go to school with, and minister to, some of the finest people on earth. Responsibilities and busyness and moves have caused us to lose contact with many. Also, I have always tried to practice ‘ministerial ethics’ and stay out of the way of the person who followed me. However, the older I become, the more I have this urge to ‘re-connect’ to those with whom we have shared.

Recently, my kids have been nagging me to join Facebook and be their ‘friend’. “I’m already your friend,” I would reply. Occasionally, an email would appear inviting me to join someone’s network, but this was new and I’m not a whiz on the computer, so I procrastinated. Yesterday, however, my son, David put the squeeze on me and I made the plunge.

Within a few hours, my Facebook started to take shape. A roommate from the boarding high school I attended showed up. Several young people from the church in Warsaw—one now a student at Asbury. Janice and Michele from northern Indiana. I performed the ceremony at their weddings 15-20 years ago. And the list goes on!

“God,” I prayed this morning, “Please let this be a tool in Your hands. Often I pray that You will enlarge my territory and expand my influence.

May this be another way
to minister and be ministered to
to share and be shared with
to coach and be coached
to love and be loved
to influence and be influenced

God, give me the discernment I need as I touch lives.
Give me the discipline I need to use my time wisely.

Now, my dilemma is finding the perfect picture to put a ‘face’ on my Facebook!