Good morning!
Now I believe! After three days of steady snow and over two feet of accumulation, Susan and I have now been welcomed to the northland. Yesterday afternoon, I even took the snow blower for a trial run. After discovering that the electric start wouldn’t work unless the machine was plugged into an outlet (a great way to bond with your neighbor), the snow blower fired right up. In no time at all, a beautiful, twenty-foot arc of snow testified that I was mastering this northern art. Yes, if you must know, this was the first time I had ever used a snow blower. I sold my snow shovel for $1.00 when I left Kansas! I even took pictures for those of you who might doubt.
While I was on my maiden snow-blowing voyage, my son-in-law decided to clear the two plus feet of snow from the office roof. He climbed onto the roof, shovel and all, and made a great deal of noise as he made a great heap of snow on the ground. He appeard to get great joy leaping several times from the roof and burying himself in the cold, wet stuff. I’ve never claimed that the girls married for I.Q.
Unless we have a gigantic heat wave, the likes of which Global Warming has never seen, I’d say that we are going to have (not dream of) of white Christmas. I add this for my Florida friends who will find the snow blowing picture amazing. This time last year, I was taking stress-free, fifteen-minute rides on my recumbent bike (in my shorts and T-shirt) while admiring palm trees and watching the mowing crews.
Isn’t God surprising? I read this morning (Swindoll) that God has more moves in mind for us than we could possibly anticipate. And all moves are not geographical. Many are attitude adjustments. Some mean moving out of our comfort zones to touch the lives of people we’ve never met. I suspect the days ahead are going to bring change, not only to Susan and me, but to you as well! May God give us grace to adjust with joy!
Pastor Paul