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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Main Thing!

The phone rang! The vice-chairman of Cobleskill Wesleyan Church was calling to report on a move of God in their morning services. Excitement was in his voice; I could feel his passion. "One of our laymen spoke this morning," Wes said. "It was his first time to do something like this and he did a great job. The best part, however, was that God showed up. Eight individuals stood when given opportunity to indicate that they were inviting Christ into their lives. We are now busy following up on them."

The pastor's wife from Corinth (who is my executive assistant) reported, "We had a lady receive Christ, and she was back the next week with two family members. She expressed a desire to be a part of our church life and is eager to get involved in Bible studies, as well as fellowship."

Colton Wesleyan recently had a harvest dinner. Forty-five individuals were present, including a nurse form the hospital where Pastor Dettmer serves as chaplain. When the altar call was given, this friend knelt at the altar and invited Christ into his heart. The next day at work he said to Pastor Dettmer, "I feel like a new man!"

The pastor at Waterford Wesleyan said, "I didn't even know the young man who prayed to receive Christ last week. He showed up and God met his need."

After preaching about life-change last Sunday in Springfield, MA, I asked for raised hands from those who were interested in receiving Christ. Several responded! Before leaving, I put my arm around one lady and whispered, "Don't put it off. Have that life-changing conversation with your pastor soon." "Perhaps today," she replied.

In Norfolk, God showed up. Grown men sat in the pews with tears in their eyes. Again hands were raised, indicating that were not far from Christ.

Life-change is taking place in the ENY/NE District.

We resolve, do we not, to keep the main thing the main thing.

Reaching out in love to those who have hurts, habits and hang-ups is our number one task. Leading them to a personal relationship with Christ is our business; why we exist.

Our mission is: Unleashing a team of energized leaders to multiply life-changing churches.

Consider yourself unleashed.

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