More reports have come in since the last blog about special fall events that I thought you'd enjoy hearing about so I have posted them below along with some photos.
Niskayuna had a successful Fall Outreach beginning with a Pumpkin Patch two weeks prior to their Trunk or Treat event. Both events contributed to their being the focal point of their neighborhood. The Synagogue near them is known for their Carrot Festival and the Reformed Church down the road is famous for its Strawberry Festival, and now the Wesleyan Church is becoming known for their Pumpkin Sale. They sold pumpkins, had a safety day with police and firemen, decorated and painted pumpkins and had a drawing for a free Target gift card.
Trunk or Treat was successful in that they created a gathering place for adults while their kids visited the cars in their parking lot and homes on the street next to the church. They served coffee, donuts, hot chocolate and fresh popcorn. In the end, they had several opportunities to talk about the church and have had follow-up contacts indicating that several families are considering coming to a church service.
Niskayuna WC Trunk or Treat |
Niskayuna WC Trunk or Treat |
Niskayuna WC Trunk or Treat |
Niskayuna WC Trunk or Treat |
CrossPointe reports that they had an awesome Halloween Outreach. They fed 1000 people and handed out gallons of coffee, cocoa and iced tea. They also gave out about 750 invitations to their Sunday Children's Worship. Their plan was then to give away a Nintendo 3DS (handheld game console) to a child that returned on Sunday. It turned out that a family of seven came on Sunday, with two children Children's Worship class age, and that led to someone donating an additional $200 to purchase another Nintendo 3DS so both children could have one.
The best part was that the mother accepted Jesus that Sunday. The family returned to the church's Fall Harvest Dinner and has been back every Sunday since. Last week the mom made the statement, "You're stuck with us now." As you might imagine, everyone in the church is rejoicing over this huge 'win'.
CrossPointe Trunk or Treat |
CrossPointe Trunk or Treat |
CrossPointe Trunk or Treat |
CrossPointe Trunk or Treat |
Long Lake WC held an event right on the evening of October 31. Just about every child in Long Lake planned to be at the church when they were cold and out of houses to hit up for candy. Over a hundred parents and children walked through their doors and parking lot.
Inside the basement of the church were kids playing games and participating in the cakewalk. Outside there were teens and parents talking for hours, comparing stories of walking the neighborhoods.
On top of all that, many stayed for an 'after' party, where 30+ kids participated in the town past time of 'Manhunt'. Several mentioned that it was the largest turnout ever, and the non-church-going Long Lake activities director stood with Pastor John Gocke for quite awhile at the basement entrance and shared how ecstatic she was at the turnout of the community and her own kids playing so long at church.
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