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Thursday, April 9, 2009


Twenty-seven years ago, I led Danny Carver to the Lord. He was nineteen! Physically, Danny wasn’t impressive; he was disabled. Mentally, he wasn’t sharp; he was a little slow. Socially, he wasn’t sophisticated; he had little training. Danny wore a long unkempt beard to hide some of the scars he’d received in an auto accident when he was two-months old. Other scars were hidden deeper inside. Because of his bushy look I called him a ‘woolie-bugger’. Even with all of these issues, God brought Danny into my life to change me.

As I ministered to Danny, God taught me that there are no second-class citizens; that Jesus died for all. Through a series of events, God gave me an attitude adjustment that left me changed forever. I have told Danny’s story everywhere I’ve preached. Thousands have been challenged and changed by it. He never realized the impact his story had. He lived his simple life in Anderson, S.C.

When I left Lakeside Wesleyan in 1986, he wrapped his arms around me, pulled me into his wooly beard and in a voice that was hard to understand said, “Preacher, I love you. Thank you for telling me about Jesus.”

Danny Carver died last week. He was 44. He no longer limps! He no longer breathes heavily or has a speech impediment. His mind is sharp and his body strong. He is whole in every way. Danny is with his Savior. It was my privilege to introduce the two of them years ago!

The next time I see Danny, he’ll wrap his arms around me and say, “Preacher, welcome Home.”

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