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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Unleashing Begun

Recently I took ten pastors on our first Life Go trip. These trips are designed to build the team and develop leaders. While at Christ Community Church in Winter Haven, FL, we interacted with pastor, staff and board, attended a Celebration Recovery meeting, heard testimonies from new Christians, sat through seminars and watched a growing church work two services on Sunday morning.

One pastor wrote, "As I sat on the plane on the flight down I was blown away. More than fourteen years ago my wife and I accepted the call to pastor our church. With little more than faith and God's vision we have pressed toward the goal, steadily chipping away, making a dent in our world. I give God the praise for the miracles He has performed through us and in the lives of our church family. It has been my fervent prayer for over two years to be challenged by God and not to let complacency be the rule of my ministry. That, somehow, through someone, I might learn more to break through the barriers and not only lead more souls to Christ, but to disciple them to a thriving relationship with God. As I looked out that window and contemplated where we were going and what we were going for, I simply cried with praise and thanks for this opportunity and His answer to one of my prayers. For some time now, I have felt lost at sea with my goal in sight but not so much as a paddle with which to get there. I now have more than a paddle to stroke with; I have someone else to help get me there."

He continued, "Thank you for your help, vision, encouragement, leadership, challenge, and most of all, leading by example. I look forward to the future, tremble with excitement, and know you are going to kick my backside if I don't get going.

As I read this, I thought of the tag line we are now using--"Unleashing a Team of Energized Leaders to Multiply Life-Changing Churches".

One highlight of the trip for me was watching my dad pray over the pastors from my district. He was so excited to be well enough to participate in the activities of the weekend. As the man I love dearly prayed over pastors I am learning to love, I thought, "It just doesn't get much better than this."

Oh yes... We made him an honorary member of the ENY/NE District--certificate and ceremony!

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