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Monday, February 9, 2009


For years I have been a proponent of a balanced life. Much of my personal growth has revolved around The Wheel of Life, where spokes represent the major areas of one’s life.

1. Spiritual and Ethical
2. Family and Home
3. Mental and Educational
4. Physical and Health
5. Financial
6. Social and Cultural
7. Professional and Ministry

I have goals in each area and work diligently to keep life in balance. However, this last season of life has left me very “out of round”.

Interviews, votes, moves, remodeling, illnesses, travel, and major transitions drove all clarity from my life plan and left me wondering if I would ever feel “normal” again. Last week, something clicked and my internal compass gave me hope that balance was once again attainable. What contributed to the change of emotion?

1) The sun is shining a little longer
2) Temperatures have moderated
3) New York tags on my personal car
4) Registered to vote in NY
5) New York driver’s license (lovely picture)
6) I took one whole day off!
7) I got a library card
8) I walked two miles (in the mall)

Just these simple things were huge in getting me back on course.

For years, Friday has been my day off. It was my Sabbath—a day I looked forward to—a day to date my wife and have R&R. For the past months I have violated my Sabbath, allowing stuff to creep in. And I didn’t feel good about always being on call. So this blog is to let you know that on Fridays the office will be closed, and I will be recharging my batteries.

I will need you to hold me accountable. Having a job with a never-ending ‘to-do’ list and having the office in my home, lends itself to workaholism. But with your help and support, we will live the balanced life.

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